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제목 LGC 2021년 Proficiency Testing 마스터 클래스에 여러분을 초대합니다.
작성자 오디랩 (ip:)
  • 평점 0점  
  • 작성일 2021-10-12 17:37:39
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 7538

LGC 2021년 Proficiency Testing 마스터 클래스

신청을 원하시는분들은 아래의 링크를 통하여 신청 부탁드립니다.

자세한 상담을 원하시는분은 sales1@odlab.co.kr 로 문의 를 남겨주시기 바랍니다.

마스터 클래스 등록링크: 온라인 이벤트(workcast.com)

LGC AXIO PT | PT Masterclass | What's involved?
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Join our two day free virtual event now

Proficiency Testing Masterclass

26th - 27th October 2021

From 26-27 October 2021, AXIO will be hosting a free-to-attend virtual event including a series of online webinars that will take you from PT zero to PT hero, starting with the basics and best practices before moving into the expertise that will make your PT participation work hardest for you and your laboratory.

Register Today >

We thought you'd be interested in the following sessions...

Selecting the most appropriate PT

Learn how to establish your PT strategy by selecting the right proficiency testing scheme to truly drive quality in your laboratory's operations.

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Evaluation of PT performance

AXIO explores how to evaluate PT performance through performance assessment through a variety of different methods, including qualitative & quantitative data.

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Interpretation & use of PT data

Learn how to utilise your results to work for you and your laboratories operations. This session dives into how to investigate and rectify unsatisfactory performance in PT rounds.

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        Driving Quality Together.

LGC AXIO Proficiency Testing provide proficiency testing schemes with localised support across a truly global network to over 13,000 laboratories in more than 160 countries, conducting over 2,000 proficiency tests each year across the food, beverage, environmental, clinical, pharmaceutical, consumer safety, forensic and petroleum sectors.

Download our catalogue here >

일정 및 스케쥴은 아래의 첨부파일을 통하여 자세히 알아보실 수 있습니다.


첨부파일 AXIO Proficiency Testing - PT Masterclass Invitation - English.pdf
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